

Make Sure you have SIP Trunk license installed and set for maximum number of channels needed.

AG 1

1) SIPTRUNK.COM Gateway IP’s to be used are: - -

2) Configure a Codec Profile for SIPTRUNK.COM in Enterprise Manager.

In MaxAdmin select the VoIP dropdown, then "Enterprise Network Manger"

Select the "Codec" button on the quick launch bar (different than the "IP Codec" tab)

Select "ADD" and create a profile with:

g.711 muLaw codec, 20 ms for both pkt lenghts, DTMF Delivery: rfc2833, early media nabled, trasport: UDP

AG 2

3) Assign the Codec Profile to SIPTRUNK.COM' servers

Click on the "Servers" button in enterprise manager.

Go to the "IP Codec" tab.

ADD one of the SIPTRUNK.COM servers, set the codec profile to the one created in step 2.

Repeat for the other SIPTRUNK.COM server.

AG 3

4) NAT support may need to be configured, but if the user has remote altigen IP phones, then this should already be done.

5) Start to configure the SIP trunks:

Double click on an unconfigured SIP Trunk in Maxadmin's trunk view.

Select "Trunk Properties" then "SIP Trunk Configuration"

6) Create a SIP Trunk Profile to be used for the SIPTRUNK.COM trunks

Click on "SIP Trunk Profile"

Select "Add" to add a profile named "SIPTRUNK.COM"

Set the "SIP Calling Number" "SIP protocol Field" to "FROM Header"

Select "Carrier can only acept assigned numbers as calling number.

Enter the range of DID's assigned to this trunk  in the "Calling Number can be accepted by carrier" dialog

Enter the main DID number as the "Use this calling number if the carrier cannot accpt configured numbers' box

Check "Send caller name"

Do NOT check "Enable Standad record Route Headers"

Set the Incoming DID Number field to "To Header"

AG 4

7) Configure the first AltiGen SIP channel to Register with the first SIPTRUNK.COM server

Select the first SIP Trunk channel, then click on "EDIT"

Enter the IP address of the first SIPTRUNK.COM server.

Enter the Userr Name (phone number)

Enter the password for the trunk

Enter the hostname associcated with the sever as the Domain

Set the SIP Register Period to 60

Set the SIP Trunk profile to the "SIPTRUNK.COM" profile created in the previous step.

Set the SIP Source port to 5060

Set the SIP Destination port to 5060

Select "Enabel Channel"

Select oK

AG 5

8) Configure the remainder of the desired trunk group to use the first SIPTRUNK.COM server without registration

Select the next channel in the SIP runk group, and select "EDIT"

Enter the IP address of the first SIPTRUNK.COM server.

Enter the Userr Name (phone number)

Enter the password for the trunk

Enter the hostname associcated with the sever as the Domain

Set the SIP Register Period to 0 (!!!!! This is different than the previous step)

Set the SIP Trunk profile to the "SIPTRUNK.COM" profile created in an earlier step.

Set the SIP Source port to 5060

Set the SIP Destination port to 5060

Select "Enabel Channel"

Select oK

AG 6

9 ) Copy this configruation for the rest of the trunks desired for the primary server

10) Configure a second group of trunks to use the secondary SIPTRUNK.COM Server

Select the next SIP trunk channel (should not already be configured) and click "Edit"

Enter the IP address of the secondary SIPTRUNK.COM server.

Enter the User Name (phone number)

Enter the password for the trunk

Enter the hostname associcated with the sever as the Domain

Set the SIP Register Period to 60

Set the SIP Trunk profile to the "SIPTRUNK.COM" profile created in the previous step.

Set the SIP Source port to 5060

Set the SIP Destination port to 5060

Select "Enabel Channel"

Select oK

AG 7

11) Configure the remainder of the desired trunk group to use the first SIPTRUNK.COM server without registration

Select the next channel in the SIP runk group, and select "EDIT"

Enter the IP address of the first SIPTRUNK.COM server.

Enter the Userr Name (phone number)

Enter the password for the trunk

Enter the hostname associcated with the sever as the Domain

Set the SIP Register Period to 0 (!!!!! This is different than the previous step)

Set the SIP Trunk profile to the "SIPTRUNK.COM" profile created in an earlier step.

Set the SIP Source port to 5060

Set the SIP Destination port to 5060

Select "Enabel Channel"

Select oK

AG 8

12) Copy this configuration for the rest of the trunks desired for the secondary server

Important Notes

Router Port Forwarding Settings:


5060 UDP (SIP messages to AltiGen Trunks)

49664-49723 UDP (RTP)



10032 TCP (XML messages for Altigen IP Phone registration)

10060 UDP (SIP Messages from AltiGen IP Phones)



10025-10030 TCP MaxClient

10050 TCP  "AltiGen AUto Update Service"


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