This guide provides the basic registration and route configuration process for SIPTRUNK with consideration to changes in 3CX Version 20. Please note this guide is for new installs of 3CX. Screenshots are included throughout to demonstrate the process.
There is no longer a separate Admin Console for 3CX. Access the Admin panel from the Web Client by clicking on the cog in the lower left corner.
Begin by navigating to Voice and Chat and clicking “Add Trunk”.
3CX now includes SIPTRUNK in the list of supported carriers in the VoIP Provider dropdown menu. Choose US for the country and then select SIPTRUNK. This template option auto-populates our gateway info and preferred configuration settings. Name your trunk whatever you like.
NOTE: You may uncheck the box for “Create an outbound rule for this SIP trunk,” because that step is covered later in this guide.
Next go to our Customer Portal under SIP Trunking and view the Trunk to get the number and password. Enter your Trunk number in the “Main Trunk Number” and “Authentication ID” fields and the password in the “Authentication Password” field. SAVE the changes.
You should then see your registration was successful in the 3CX Voice and Chat menu, indicated by a green Trunk status light (you may need to refresh the page). You can also check in the SIP Trunk Customer Portal SIP Trunking menu by clicking the “View Trunk Registration Status” button.
Inbound Calling
Double click on the SIP trunk to open the settings back up. The next step is to add your DIDs for inbound routes.
Click on the “DID Numbers” tab and format your DIDs in any of the following formats depending on your needs. If you do not have a preference, use the first option in the list (which is E.164):
- +1NXXXXXXXXX (a +1 followed by the number in a 10-digit format)
- *1NXXXXXXXXX (a *1 followed by the number in a 10-digit format)
When adding a number, be sure to click the save icon to the right of the number entry orpress ENTER on your keyboard to submit the number.
The number now needs to be assigned to a User. SAVE the Trunk changes before navigating to the User panel. Otherwise, you will lose everything you just set up.
Create the User and select the DID you just created from the drop down to assign it to that user. Save the changes. You’ll now see the DID is assigned to the User in the Trunk settings. Configure the rest of the User profile based upon your setup and needs.
You should now be able to call the User (status must be Available) at the number you just created and assigned.
Outbound Calling
Now we will set up outbound calling. Create several rules to support different types of calls including domestic (11 digits), 3-digit, and international.
NOTE: Remember to SAVE all of your settings for each rule.
Click on the Outbound Routes tab and click “Add Rule”.
Name the first rule 11-digit dialing, because we require you to send 11 digits outbound for domestic calling. Enter 11 in the field “Calls to numbers with a length of”. If you dial 10 digits, calls will fail. Create another rule for 10 digits and prepend a 1 if your client only wishes to dial 10 digits.
Click on the Route and set the Trunk. You can also add your CID in the “Outbound caller ID” field.
11-Digit Dialing
10-Digit Dialing
We support 911, 933, and 988 regarding 3-digit dialing. Name and then set the rule to apply to calls with a length of three digits. Assign the Trunk in the Route field.
Enter a Caller ID in the Outbound caller ID field. If you plan to use the rule for dialing to 911, enter your Enhanced number for the caller ID here.
3-Digit Dialing
For International dialing, enter 011 into the “Calls to numbers starting with prefix” field and then set the “Strip digits” to 3. This will tell the PBX when you dial 011 to ignore any other rule no matter the number of digits dialed. The strip will remove the 011 so you only send us the international phone number you’re dialing.
International Dialing
NOTE: Remember to select the Trunk and set the CID for each rule.
Your 3CX is now configured and ready to begin placing and receiving calls with SIPTRUNK. If you're using a firewall or other security software, please review our guide on Interconnecting with SIPTRUNK. These security guidelines address whitelisting requirements plus additional info relevant to using our services and troubleshooting audio issues.